Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi (ANTARA) - The National Narcotics Agency (BNN) rehabilitated 39 people with moderate to severe drug addictions in the period from January 1 to June 30, 2022.

Most of the addicts who were rehabilitated at the local clinic were outpatients, though some were admitted as inpatients so that they could make better progress in overcoming their drug addiction, coordinator of rehabilitation at the Southeast Sulawesi BNN, La Mala, informed in Kendari on Monday.

“In the January 1 to June 30, 2022, period, the addicts whom we rehabilitated at the National Narcotics Agency Clinic were 39, with details of 31 males and eight females; (their addictions) were categorized into moderate addiction, there were also (people with) severe addiction," he informed.

Thirty-three people with moderate addiction were admitted as outpatients at the North Sulawesi BNN's clinic in the hope that they would make an immediate recovery, he said.

Meanwhile, the agency treated six people with severe drug addiction. Three of them were hospitalized at Badoka Makassar BNN’s Rehabilitation Center in South Sulawesi, while the rest were rehabilitated at the North Sulawesi BNN.

In general, they were addicted to methamphetamine, Mala said. Some were addicted to weed and synthetic drugs. Of the 39 drug addicts, 8 were in the 10–20 age group, 15 were aged 21–30 years, 14 were in the 31–40 age group, and 2 were in the 41–50 age bracket.

The drug addicts either came by themselves or were sent by their families, with referrals from the directorate of narcotics of the North Sulawesi Police Department and the narcotics division of the district or city police department in Southeast Sulawesi.

"The clients who underwent rehabilitation did it voluntarily. (The ones who) came by themselves or were sent by family (numbered) 25 people, those who were sent by North Konawe Police Department were 3, those who were sent by South Konawe Police Department were 7, those who were sent by North Sulawesi Police Department were 4," he informed.

Drug addicts are offered free rehabilitation services and do not face sanctions as they are protected under Sections 54 and 55 of the Law on Narcotics Number 35 of 2009, which stipulates the obligation for rehabilitating addicts.

"For the addicts, we urge (you) to (come) to the rehabilitation centers which have been provided, such as the North Sulawesi National Narcotics Agency clinic, Kendari National Narcotics Agency. It's assured that (you would not be) sanctioned," Mala remarked.

People battling drug addiction can also report to some public health centers owned by Kendari government, such as Kemaraya, Puuwatu, Lepo-Lepo, Mokoau, Poasia, Kandai, and Mekar public health centers. They can also seek rehabilitation services at Kendari Hospital and Bahteramas Hospital.

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Pewarta : M Harianto, Mecca Yumna
Editor : Hernawan Wahyudono
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