Kendari, Jan 21 (ANTARA) - General Chairperson of the Central Board of the Crescent Star Party (UN) Prof. Dr. Yusril Ihza Mahendra reminded cadres and administrators to be wise while addressing the differences in welcoming the presidential election and the election of legislative candidates on April 17 2019.

"The Bulan Bintang Party (PBB) is a moderate Islamic party that is democratic. Hence, it upholds the differences but is expected not to trigger the division of fellow cadres," Mahendra stated while opening the Regional Coordination Meeting and debriefing of legislative candidates in Kendari on Monday.

Public as well as curious party cadres are waiting for the PBB`s position to face the presidential election, because it will officially be announced at the end of January 2019.

"The PBB always attracts attention wherever its political affiliation is. On the one hand, it is proud, but on the other hand, it is a challenge for cadres to maintain the existence of the party," he noted.

He acknowledged that the dynamics between the cadres and between legislative candidates facing the presidential election were quite high but still within reasonable limits.

The PBB in the history of its long journey has faced serious challenges, both from internal organizations and from outside. All are faced with full responsibility to find a way out.

"The PBB, which originates from the Masyumi womb, traverses winding trips, steep, and winding inclines. This is what the party`s cadres and administrators have to live with," he remarked.

Regional heads and legislative election and presidential election are important, but far more important is the integrity of the party and the harmony of cadres and administrators who fight for the unity and unity of their beloved nation and country.

According to Mahendra, Southeast Sulawesi is one of the regional cadre motivators that give hope for the future of the party.

"The atmosphere of the Rakorwil and debriefing of legislative candidates now reminded me of the beginning of the establishment of the PBB in Southeast Sulawesi. A 40-year-old young man explored the archipelago to realize the dream of building a nation through a political party called the United Nations," he recalled.

In Kendari, three prominent figures, namely H. Jakri Nappu, H. Baso Suamir, and H. Akhmad Al Jufri, then continued their political adventure to Buton Island to meet charismatic figure H. Laode Manarfa.

"The PBB in Southeast Sulawesi will never lose its identity because of the important figures placed in this country," he added.

The Chairperson of the Crescent Star Party, Southeast Sulawesi, Ruksamin, targets the vote for the simultaneous legislative elections on April 17, 2019, as opposed to the district/city level faction and the provincial DPRD.

"Cadres and administrators have worked hard for a long time to show the people that the PBB is fighting for the interests of the people and the nation, so that the target of one seat in each electoral district is natural," Ruksamin explained.

He acknowledged the challenge of realizing the determination of one faction at the regency/city level until the Southeast Sulawesi Provincial DPRD was quite difficult because the competitor`s party was ambitious. (T.SYS/A/KR-BSR/C/A037)

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Editor : M Sharif Santiago
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